Easy Digital Download

EDD offers customers to open new tickets just one click from their EDD account with optionally validating the license keys.

About AddOns

Easy Digital Download (EDD) add-on offers support for both EDD, the Software Licensing add-on and the Frontend Submission add-on.By using this add-on, your EDD clients will automatically be granted permissions to submit support tickets.

Admin will configure the MailChip. While configuration admin will enter th API key, Audience ID, Enable Double Options and send a welcome e-mail to the new subscribers.

admin config

On Front-End user will be able to subscribes our newsletter after the registration process. When user will check the subscribe our newsletter checkbox then the user process will be over.


On Front-End user will be able to subscribes our newsletter after the registration process. When user will check the subscribe our newsletter checkbox then the user process will be over.


Ticket Detail
On Front-End user will be able to subscribes our newsletter after the registration process. When user will check the subscribe our newsletter checkbox then the user process will be over.

ticket detail info

  • WordPress 5.5 or greater
  • JS Help Desk latest version